Chia Seeds: The Timeless Superfood

Chia Seeds: The Timeless Superfood

Chia seeds have been consumed by humanity for around 5,500 years. * They’re also very popular today globally, especially in the health food field. A few examples of their nutritional benefits range from containing a very high mineral and protein content to the promotion of heart health. We’ll further delineate the benefits of chia seeds and why you should make them a staple in your diet.


High Mineral Content-A one ounce serving of chia seeds contain 30% of the recommended daily value (RDI) manganese, 30% RDI of magnesium and 27% RDI of phosphorus and 18% RDI of calcium. *  The calcium, phosphorous and potassium content of chia is many folds greater than wheat, rice, oats and corn with 6 and 2.4 times greater than iron spinach and liver. *



High Protein/Amino Acid Content-Only one ounce of (apx one table spoon) of chia seeds contain 4.4 grams (10% daily value) of protein. * The protein content in chia seeds are enhanced by 9 essential amino acids, helping your body make more efficient use of the protein content. * They’re also an excellent protein source for those who are vegan and/or those who abide by a gluten free diet.



High Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acid Content- Of all the known food sources chia contains the highest concentration of omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. * An ounce of chia seeds contain 4915 mg of omega 3 fatty acids and 1620 mg of omega 6 fatty acids. * Both these acids help to reduce cholesterol and omega 3 helps to reduce depression. *



Although these are only some of the benefits that chia seeds can provide for your health yet some of the most important. A few tablespoons per day on a salad, in a smoothie, or in yogurt are some of the many options to incorporate chia seeds in your diet on a daily basis. As always, please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your dietary, medical, and exercise regimen.




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