Exercise has its fair share of mental and physical benefits but how exactly does someone incorporate it into their life? These practical, inexpensive methods can help you make exercise a greater part of your life.
Sign up for a class-Search for fitness-related course schedules at a gym, yoga/dance studio or community center near you. Having a class based structure can serve as a larger impetus for you to work out on more of a regular basis.
Plan exercise into your day-Time block a specific time(s) of the day in your planner (phone, tablet, etc.) when you’d like to exercise. This in turn helps with making exercise a routine in your life instead of a passing phase.
Keep it brisk-Make the most out of the time of day you’re being physically active in. Walking at a slightly faster pace than normal can help you burn more calories and help tone your body, especially your lower extremities.
Exercise with a friend-Finding someone to exercise with is another way to increase your motivation to keep exercising at your goal time. Asking a friend to go on a walk/run, taking the kayak out with your family or signing up for a fitness course with a co-worker are just some examples as to how you can keep your exercising entertaining, as well as regimented.
Hopefully you find a method of exercise that helps you to not only work out more, but to reap the benefits of a more physically active lifestyle. As always, please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your health or lifestyle regimen.