Non-Invasive Remedies to Help Treat Sciatic Nerve Pain

Non-Invasive Remedies to Help Treat Sciatic Nerve Pain

Living with sciatic nerve pain can be extremely painful and debilitating. It involves low back pain that radiates downward into the left or right buttock into the leg and sometimes all the way into the foot.* However, it is possible to have sciatica subside within a few months with the proper treatment. We’ll take a look at three different remedies to help ease the symptoms of sciatic nerve pain.


Alternating use of ice/heat pack-This helpful tactic can help to provide immediate relief of sciatic nerve pain.* The ice can help to reduce inflammation while the heat stimulates blood flow to the painful areas.*


Stretching-Including daily stretching in your daily routine is an effective way to improve your spinal flexibility and motion range while building your core.*


Posture-Changing your posture frequently can help to alleviate the pain associated with sciatic nerve pain. This is due to how pressure is taken off of your spine when you readjust your posture, as opposed to keeping the same stance over time like sitting at an office desk which can make the sciatic nerve pain worse.


These tips that can help alleviate symptoms of sciatic nerve pain can be done in the comfort of your own home and are intended for people who are initially experiencing the symptoms associated with sciatic nerve pain. As always, please consult your health care provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.

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