Why All of Us Need Zinc

Why All of Us Need Zinc

Zinc, an essential mineral that can’t be produced or stored in your body, is responsible for several necessary functions in order for you to maintain optimal health. From wound healing to DNA synthesis, its benefits are vast, making it one of the most important minerals our body needs. We’ll discuss additional benefits of zinc as well as some potent sources for you to further incorporate it into your diet.


Increases Wound Healing-Zinc plays vital roles in proper immune function, inflammatory response, and collagen synthesis, making it a necessity when it comes to your body’s ability to heal. * In addition, using zinc as a supplement can help speed the recovery rate for people with wounds. * in a 12-week study in 60 people with diabetic foot ulcers, those treated with 200 mg of zinc per day experienced significant reductions in ulcer size compared to a placebo group. *


Increases the Quality of Your Immune System-Zinc is indispensable for cell function and immune signaling so if there is a deficiency of zinc in one’s body, a weakened immune system can potentially ensue. * Further, zinc supplements greatly reduce the risk of infections and promote a more active immune response in older adults. *


What Are the Best Sources for Zinc?- The daily value for zinc is 11 mg for adults and children over 4 years of age or older. * Zinc is most prevalent in a serving size of 3 ounces of oysters, with 74 mg per serving which equates to a 673% daily value. * Following oysters, 3 ounces of braised beef chuck roast (7 mg per serving, 64% daily value) and 3 ounces of Alaska King crab (6.5 mg per serving, 59% daily value). * Zinc is also present in foods ranging from nuts, legumes, poultry, and fish. * For a complete list of foods which contain zinc, feel free to visit the website of the National Institutes of Health Offices of Dietary Supplements here. 


One can only benefit from making an effort to include zinc in their diet due to the extremely important role it plays in one’s overall health. As always, please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your medical, exercise, or dietary regimen.


*Sources- ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, healthline, National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements ,

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